Learn web-based programming

This page will get you started with a Hello World HTML page.

Joanne says hello.

Lily says hi too!

Programming in HTML is fun.
Some of the commands are hard to understand.
But I keep studying, and they get easier and easier.

Here is a puzzle where the rows need to line up.


x2 + y2 = z2

The chemical formula for water is H2O.

Johnson & Sons Company
Left      Right

If a>b and b>c, then a>c.
Directions of the compass are N & S & E & W.
John likes to keep his distance from      Susan.

This is Courier New orange type 12 pixels high.

This is Garamond red 20 pizels high.

This is Arial, 40 pixels high, in purple.

This is Comic Sans MS 20 pixels green.

Cartoon Biplane

Cartoon Biplane

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Class Reference List

Visit the Island of Dominica